Phillip T. Stephens
Ask Stephens a personal question and you'll never get a straight answer, which may be one of the reasons he was selected one of the top Texas liars three years running. At best he'll tell you he's "biographically impaired." He may or may not live with his wife Carol in Austin, Texas where they shelter foster cats and spin even more conflicting biographies to throw creditors off his scent. because, as anyone in the writing business knows (at least they do half a year into sales on their first book), few people get rich writing novels.
Stephens is certainly not in the business of getting rich. The two novels in his La Joie dans L'enfer series, Raising Hell and The Worst Noel, were written purely labors of love and are gifts to the world at a dollar apiece.

Bryan Stephens
Bryan Stephens, a Marine veteran, writes for a living in Port Huron Michigan. His college criminal justice studies inspired the young adult novel Rituals, the first in a series about the Talented People of Lakeville. Bryan needs talents himself to keep up with his daughters Elonway and Cora. who have the combined energy of tornadoes and, like his hero Jack, the determination to leave no question unanswered no matter how awkward it is for their parents, or any one else.